Category: Amazon

Amazon’s Payment Team Hiring Digital Currency Expert To Develop Cryptocurrency Strategy And Products

Amazon’s Payments Acceptance & Experience team is hiring a digital currency and blockchain expert to develop the company’s digital currency and blockchain strategy and product roadmap, including a launch strategy.…

日本创纪录动漫大片《新·福音战士剧场版:终》将于8月13日在Amazon Prime Video独家上线

July 05, 2021 05: 19 PM Eastern Daylight Time 伦敦–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)–Amazon Prime Video今日宣布,备受期待的日本动漫大作《新·福音战士剧场版:终》(EVANGELION:3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME)将于8月13日在该平台全球独家首播(日本以外地区)。《新·福音战士剧场版:终》是《福音战士新剧场版》(Evangelion)系列的第四部,也是最后一部。这部影片由日本传奇创作者、编剧庵野秀明(Hideaki Anno)(《新哥斯拉》(Shin Godzilla))担任总导演,鹤卷和哉(Kazuya Tsurumaki)、中山胜一(Katsuichi Nakayama)和前田真宏(Mahiro Maeda)任导演,上映后创下了庵野秀明所有电影作品中的最高票房,也是2021年日本影院中上座率最高的电影。为庆祝该系列完结,Prime Video还将同步播出前三部电影:《福音战士新剧场版:序》(EVANGELION:1.11 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE.)、《福音战士新剧场版:破》(EVANGELION:2.22 YOU CAN (NOT)…

Chinese Mining Exodus Leads To ASIC And GPU Second-Market Surplus And Lower Prices

While bitcoin miners in China have been scrambling, second-hand markets offering cryptocurrency mining rigs from ASICs to GPUs have been exploding with an excess surplus. Additionally, the ASIC manufacturer Bitmain…