Tag: EIP 1559

Ethereum After 1559: Network Participants Burn Over 300,000 Ether Worth More Than $1 Billion

On August 5, 2021, the Ethereum network and its participants successfully completed the highly anticipated London upgrade, which saw the implementation of the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP)-1559. Since then, 303,681…

ETH 2.0 Contract Exceeds 7.4 Million Ether, Close To $30 Billion Locked, Liquid Staking Pools Grow

The Ethereum 2.0 contract now has more than 7.4 million ether worth over $29.3 billion using today’s ether exchange rates. According to statistics, the smart contract address is the largest…

Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin Says EIP 1559 ‘Most Important Part Of London,’ Network Is Burning $16K In ETH Per Minute

The Ethereum blockchain has completed the highly anticipated London upgrade on Thursday and ether fans have been discussing the protocol’s burn rate with great fervor following the fork. 5.9 Ether…

Ethereum Community Gears Up For The Long-Awaited London Fork Set To Go Live On August 5

The Ethereum community has been gearing up for the highly anticipated London Network Upgrade which should take place on August 5 around 9: 00 a.m. (EDT). Node operators have been…

Ethereum’s London Hard Fork Scheduled To Commence On August 4

The highly anticipated Ethereum hard fork is expected to launch on August 4 at block height 12,965,000 according to Ethereum core developers. The London hard fork will add five Ethereum…