ATLANTA, April 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — GetChkd is changing the way COVID test and vaccine information is accessed and shared worldwide. The company today announced the introduction of its next generation blockchain platform, the first to effectively eliminate connectivity issues between all available COVID health passports, allowing users more transparency and control over their personal data.

According to the company, GetChkd solves a critical global connectivity issue that has arisen from the endless array of COVID health and vaccine data passports being introduced. A backend plug and play solution, GetChkd seamlessly integrates with all existing applications, hardware, software and devices, using smart contracts that ensure protocols specific to each location are met.

“There are many great and innovative companies working to solve the same COVID verification issue. This group includes IBM, Clear, CommonPass, Netcompany, Vaxtrac, Accredify and many others. The issue is none of the systems talk to each other. What works in one location or country doesn’t necessarily work in another. Our universal platform is the glue that connects all these passports together,” says Michael Caplovitz, GetChkd’s CEO.

The company’s platform is the first known solution ready to address this connectivity issue. GetChkd can eliminate the need for different passports to get into different places. More importantly, GetChkd enables direct connections to any data source, creating a fraud-proof COVID credential with strict personal privacy controls.

By working across all platforms, people will easily be able to go from place to place, across town or across the world, says Caplovitz. “Another benefit of our solution is transparency. People can see their health data, know ahead of time the COVID test/vaccine requirements and decide whether they wish to go. COVID shaming can be eliminated,” he notes.

GetChkd can ensure compliance at all points of origin and destination, sharing credentials across all systems for maximum cross-border health security.

Learn more about GetChkd’s core technology, solutions and partnership opportunities by visiting:

About GetChkd

GetChkd was founded in 2019 and is committed to user privacy and data integrity utilizing blockchain. The company is the creator of the first ever global connectivity platform for COVID health passports. It is currently partnering with various third-parties to provide a fraud-proof COVID test or vaccine credential that will work with any system globally and ensure any required protocols are met.


For questions about GetChkd, a comment on user privacy and data trends, or an introduction to blockchain industry experts, contact:

Erik Lehnsherr

(833) 405-3335

[email protected] 


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