TALLINN, Estonia, April 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — CAV Solution, a European Silicon Valley startup is holding a pre-seed round through the sale of the first NFT share certificate on the opensea.io platform, the auction will last until April 21, 2021 at 12: 50 pm EEST.

The first NFT share certificate token (PRNewsfoto/CAV Solution OÜ) Mihhail Tarassenkov, co-founder of CAV Solution: “The world is moving forward so quick nowadays, we must stay ahead and create it or adapt to it. Today we are the first in the world Startup fundraising this way, and in a year it will be a normal practice. The number of shares will be equivalent to the number of selling copies of the NFT certificate. As it is the first such pre-seed round, we made only one copy of the share certificate as the first one, and a solid art object with a physical percentage of the company.”

CAV Solution specializes in an age verification service for customers, primarily for vending machines. The European startup has developed an age verification add-on module for vending machines worldwide. The module makes operators more competitive with traditional retailers which have the ability for an on-site clerk to check a consumer’s age.

It also enables operators to expand into sales of products such as CBD, which may require age verification. Verification consists of two steps – the customer needs to look into the camera and put the document in to the document tray. After which a result is given that informs whether the verification was successful or not, also all the data after processing is not saved, on the contrary, it is deleted.

Juri Tarassenkov, co-founder of CAV Solution: “It is the most advanced age verification device in the retail industry, no device in the world includes face to photo on the document comparison, age verification by document, and document validation at the same time. We are now heading out with our device to the US market, the go-to market strategy is to distribute a product to vending operators, service providers, manufacturers to sell age restricted products such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, pharmacy without any human interaction. The potential is huge, it is possible to sell tickets in clubs by checking age, or may be used as an ID verification solution in government elections. Automation and acceleration of processes is gaining momentum, helping to create contactless solutions for purchasing on the spot anywhere.”


Juri Tarassenkov,

[email protected],

+372 58 00 95 15

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1485912/CAV_Solution_certificate.jpg


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