Category: Tesla

Bitcoin Mining Report Claims Miner Energy Consumption Mix 56% Sustainable In Q2

During the last three months, there’s been a significant focus on the effects bitcoin mining has on the global environment. While many have claimed bitcoin mining is bad for the…

Bitcoin Still Commands The 9th Largest Market Capitalization In The World

Despite the drop in value during the last three months, the leading crypto asset bitcoin is still the ninth most valuable asset in the world in terms of market capitalization.…

Venture Capitalist Tim Draper Doubles Down On His $250K By 2022 Bitcoin Price Prediction

American venture capital investor Tim Draper still believes in a bitcoin price prediction he made in mid-April 2018, at the Draper University blockchain party. At the time, Draper said that…

Elon Musk’s ‘50% Clean Energy’ Bitcoin Mining Goal Will Be Complicated To Verify

On Sunday, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk tweeted that when there’s “confirmation of reasonable (~50%) clean energy usage by miners with positive future trend, Tesla will resume allowing Bitcoin transactions.” However,…