Tag: central bank digital currencies

11% Of Central Bankers Consider ‘Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin’ Gold Alternatives: UBS Survey

A UBS survey finds that central bankers see benefits in investing in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. 28% see benefits from cryptocurrency being an uncorrelated asset and “11% would consider it as…

George Soros’ Investment Fund Is Reportedly Trading Bitcoin Products

The Hungarian-born American billionaire investor George Soros’ investment fund is actively trading bitcoin investment products, according to reports. Undisclosed sources reveal that bitcoin trading got the green light from the…

Bank Of Ghana ‘in The Advanced Stages Of Introducing A Digital Currency’— Governor Repeats Anti-Cryptocurrency Claims

The governor of Ghana’s central bank, Ernest Addison, has said his institution is now “in the advanced stages of introducing a digital currency.” However, before its release into circulation, the…

South Africa Reserve Bank Commences Retail CBDC Feasibility Study

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) says it has commenced a feasibility study for a general-purpose retail central bank digital currency (CBDC). The study, which the SARB expects to conclude…

Soros CIO: Central Bank Digital Currencies A Real Threat To Crypto But Won’t Permanently Destabilize Bitcoin

Soros Fund Management’s chief investment officer (CIO) says that central bank digital currencies are a potential threat to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but it will only be temporary. She also…