Tag: Central Banks

African Economist Says Regulated Cryptocurrencies Are Reasonable Alternative To Single Trade Currency

A Nigeria-based research and development economist, Gospel Obele, has called “for a unified regulatory mechanism for cryptocurrency trading.” He adds that such regulation of cryptocurrencies can potentially “complement an African…

Digital Euro Project Gets Going As ECB Launches Investigation Phase

After months of deliberation, the European Central Bank has decided to proceed with a digital euro project. Officials insist the new version of Europe’s common currency should “ensure privacy” and…

11% Of Central Bankers Consider ‘Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin’ Gold Alternatives: UBS Survey

A UBS survey finds that central bankers see benefits in investing in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. 28% see benefits from cryptocurrency being an uncorrelated asset and “11% would consider it as…

Gold Spikes Higher As Fed’s Minutes Report Looms, Central Bank Bullion Purchases Begin To Swell

After a long break, monthly purchasing data shows that central banks are buying gold again. The World Gold Council says throughout March and April, the organization recorded a higher level…

Palestinians Ponder Digital Currency As Move For Monetary Independence

The Palestine Monetary Authority is exploring the possibility of issuing its own digital currency. For Palestinians, the minting of a national coin would represent a step, at least a symbolic…

Swiss, French Central Banks To Trial Wholesale CBDC Settlements With BIS And Private Sector

The central banks of Switzerland and France are joining hands with the Bank for International Settlements to test wholesale central bank digital currencies in cross-border transactions. The experiment will be…