Tag: Russia

Religious Ban On Cryptocurrencies Provokes Social Media Reproach In Ingushetia

A decision by a prominent religious body in Ingushetia to prohibit dealings with cryptocurrency has sparked controversy in the predominantly Muslim Russian republic. Critics have taken to social media to…

Whistleblower Edward Snowden Says $6 Trillion In Stimulus Is ‘Good For Bitcoin’

The infamous whistleblower and privacy activist Edward Snowden commented on bitcoin on Friday, after the Biden administration said this week it was shooting for 6 trillion dollars in stimulus proposals.…

Russian Lawmakers Move To Allow Crypto Payments Under Contracts

Members of the State Duma are now working on amendments that will permit the use of cryptocurrency as a contractual means of payment. Digital financial assets are regarded as property…

Best Goal Scorer At Euro Soccer Championship To Get NFT Trophy From Gazprom

The player with the best goal at Europe’s international soccer championship this summer will be awarded a special prize. European football’s governing body, UEFA, and the tournament’s sponsor, Russia’s Gazprom,…

Election Candidates In Russia To Disclose Crypto Investments, New Bill Suggests

A new bill obliging candidates running for election in Russia to declare their spending on digital assets has hit the floor of the State Duma. According to the draft, Russian…

Bank Of Russia Tests Services Related To Cryptocurrencies

Russia’s central bank has examined three platforms offering crypto-related services. The projects have been tested in its regulatory sandbox in the course of 2020. Bank of Russia has received dozens…