SINGAPORE, Aug. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On August 5th, Zerogoki ($REI), an algorithm-pegged leveraged synthetic asset platform, jointly announced a partnership with leading Layer2 scaling solution and DEX, ZKSwap. ZKSwap will list $REI and stablecoin zUSD at 7: 00 UTC on August 5th. Zerogoki will integrate and develop resources in synthetic assets, onramp traditional, and stake rewards. ZKSwap will also provide Zerogoki with a complete Layer2 solution and light synthesis paradigm lighter with better efficiency. 

Forerunner of Unlimited Token Listing

ZKSwap recently announced the launch of ZKSwap V2 on July 28th.  The team claims the upgrade will significantly expand its ecosystem, making it possible for users to add and swap any ERC-20 token and ZKSwap V2 will also support several other blockchains, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC), OKEx Chain, and Huobi ECO Chain (HECO). 

“We are very excited about the partnership with Zerogoki. By opening up our platform to any token standard, we’re jointly creating a more expansive DeFi ecosystem that allows users to list and swap thousands of new tokens with ease. And Zerogoki is becoming a forerunner of this trend, making DeFi more accessible to the masses,” said Alex Lee, leading developer of ZKSwap.  

About ZKSwap

ZKSwap, a layer-2 scaling solution and decentralized exchange (DEX) has announced the launch of ZKSwap V2. The upgrade will significantly expand its ecosystem, making it possible for users to add and swap any ERC-20 token and ZKSwap V2 will also support several other blockchains, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC), OKEx Chain, and Huobi ECO Chain (HECO).

Based on ZK-Rollups technology, Zkswap can solve the low throughput and high transaction fees on the Layer1 networks like Ethereum, OKEx Chain, BSC, HECO to tackle problems such as slow withdrawals from L2 to L1 and poor scalability. The new V2 protocol is scheduled to be deployed to OKExChain and gives four token options – ZKS, WBTC, ETH and USDT as withdrawal fee. 

About Zerogoki Protocol:

Zerogoki Protocol, a derivatives trading platform deployed at Ethereum, is a pilot experimental Protocol of Duet Protocol, providing the Minting and trading modules for Algo-pegged Leveraged tokens.Zerogoki’s initial portfolio includes traditional asset classes such as currencies, gold, treasure, and indexes. Users can mint leveraged tokens using the system token REI or purchase leveraged assets directly using the protocol’s stablecoin zUSD.

Currently, nearly a month after the launch of Zerogoki platform, the total system liquidity is over $5 million, and the system synthetic stablecoin zUSD has reached $2.2 million in liquidity on Uniswap, ranking third among algo-stablecoin. The highest REI price rose up to 740%, and the reward of each liquidity pool maintained a high level of more than 500% APR.ZKSwap will also list Zerogoki tokens in the near future and work with them to launch airdrops, trading, and staking etc.


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